R.L. Pronounced Eeaarrl


Jack of all Trades. Master of Eh, you know.

“Do you? Yes. Do you? Yes. Good. You’re married. Kiss her.”

Who is R.L. Arenz III? (Otherwise known as EEEEARRRRRLL)

He’s a single father of five. He’s a man of faith. He’s happy on a river bank with a line in the water and a book in his hand. He’s endured hardships from life and made too many mistakes to count (seriously, he ran out of fingers and toes). He’s been knocked on his butt and gotten up to ask for more. Sarcasm and annoying wit escape him at every opportunity. But beneath gruff appearance and gallows humor hides a man who cares for others.

A long time ago in a state far, far away, the third R.L. Arenz was born. 

Okay, the 80’s wasn’t tooooo long ago. 

Born and raised in Florida, R.L. (EEAAARRL) got the privilege of living in both rural and urban settings. Everything from cow tipping and roman candle freeze tag to Chinese fire drills in the middle of University Avenue and walking through the Taco Bell drive through late at night for those wonderful 3-cheese burritos (Bring them back!). Working a very wide assortment of jobs allowed him to experience employment environments in almost every atmosphere. Yet it was the love of books, inspired and ingrained by his mother, that whispered dreams of one day completing a novel of his own. 

Life, as it is want to do, intervened and distracted the aspiring author. Combined with a long streak of procrastination, his dreams were continually placed on the back burner, while dinner for his kids was on the front. Yet it was creating fantastical stories to tell his children, the foray into a variety of play-by-post sites (Star Wars of course), and the voices of unsung characters screaming to have their stories told that finally prompted him to crack his knuckles and dive into writing. 

And never forget hosting his very own Science Mystery Theater 3000 episodes alongside his cousin and the oft powerbombed, Mr Moose. God rest his soul. The moose not the cousin. 

In the end, three things saw him through.

To show his kids to follow their dreams.

To fulfill a passion that beats in his heart.

And the hope that, once the books are published, the characters sharing his brain would return his sanity. Or the little which remained. 

R.L. currently lives in Florida with his five children, the entire race of mosquitos, and the often reported ‘Florida Man’. And no, R.L. isn’t the Florida man. Just a man. That lives in Florida. Still.


“I never know where his stories will go, but never have a more enticing ride. R.L. Arenz III is the one man, whose writing inspires me, every day.
If you forgot what emotions are… hah! Not anymore!”

Sapha Burnell, Author of Usurper Kings, Son of Abel & Neon Lieben

Talk? Talk.

For bookings, interviews, & info on the worlds of R.L. Arenz III, please contact his publisher Vræyda Literary.
